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Part Number Construction

Part Number Construction

Please choose right part number as following guide line as below.

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① Motor Size

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Motor Size [mm] 14 20 28 35 42 57
Motor Size [NEMA] 6 8 11 14 17 23
② Motor Type E = External Linear
③ Step Angle 2 = 2 Phase with 1.8°
4 = 2 Phase with 0.9°
④ Motor Length 1 = Single Stack
2 = Double Stack
3 = Triple Stack
⑤ Rated Current / Phase XX = X.X [A]/Phase, 10 = 1.0A
⑥ Ball Screw Code Please see ball screw code selection table individually
BS2 = 2mm
⑦ Number of Lead Wires 4 = 4 Flying Leads
6 = 6 Flying Leads
⑧ Ball Screw Length XXX = XXXmm Ball Screw Length
100 = 100mm
⑨ Thread Direction R = Right
⑩ Ball Screw End Machining M = Metric
S = Smooth
C = Customize [Please provide customization requirements to DINGS’]
N = None
⑪ Option EKX = Encoder (X = Encoder Resolution)
P = Manual Knob
B = Brake
X = Rear Shaft
R = Encoder Ready [Hole and Shaft] – Please provide encoder ready requirements to DINGS’
C = Customize [Please provide customization requirements to DINGS’]
N = No Processing at the rear end
⑫ Customer Sequence Number

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EXAMPLE 17E2110B24-100RSEK2L
Description NEMA17 [42mm] Ball screw linear actuator
2 Phase with 1.8°step angle
Single Stack
Ball screw lead 2mm
4 Flying leads
Screw Length : 100mm
Right thread direction
Smooth screw end
EK2L = EK2 Encoder with 1,000CPR, Differential output

Part Number Construction

Please choose right part number as following guide line as below.

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① Motor Type DLG = Electric Slide with guide rail
DRS = Electric slide without guide rail
② Motor Size 28 = NEMA11 28mm size
42 = NEMA17 42mm size
56 = NEMA23 56mm size
③ Motor Length/Stack & Current S1 = Single stack electric current 1A
D1 = Double stack electric current 1A
④ Optional ball screw lead 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm
⑤ Stroke 30 = Stroke 30mm [NEMA11/28mm]
40/70 = Stroke 40/70mm [NEMA17/42mm]
50/100 = Stroke 50/100mm [NEMA23/56mm]
⑥ Optional Encoder EK1, EK2, EK3, EK5 or ER [Encoder Ready]
Please find available encoder option from this webpage
⑦ Customer code

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EXAMPLE DLG-28S1-R01-S30-EK1L-001
Description 28mm Frame Size
Single Stack
Screw lead 1mm
Stroke 30mm
EK1 Encoder with 500cpr Encoder, Differential output
Customer code 001